%% %% This file will generate a fast loadable file from %% the doc file in this package when run through %% LaTeX or TeX. %% %% This file is for ``TeX & LaTeX Advent Calendar 2012''. %% ------------------------------------------------------ %% http://atnd.org/events/34318 %% %% ----------- start of docstrip commands --------------- %% \input docstrip \askforoverwritefalse \declarepreamble\preXmas This file is just for fun. Please take a look at the end of ``AdventCal2012.log''. Merry TeXmas! \endpreamble \declarepostamble\postXmas End of a greetings file for ``TeX & LaTeX Advent Calendar 2012''. \endpostamble \generate{% \usepreamble\preXmas \usepostamble\postXmas \file{Merry.TeXmas}{\from{AdventCal2012.dtx}{HappyTeXing}} } \obeyspaces \Msg{****************************************************************} \Msg{* The file `AdventCal2012.dtx' is not intended to be typeset, *} \Msg{* but only run through Docstrip utility. *} \Msg{* The content of the generated file `Merry.TeXmas' is the same *} \Msg{* as `AdventCal2012.dtx', so typeset `Merry.TeXmas' instead, *} \Msg{* if you need. *} \Msg{****************************************************************} \endbatchfile \endinput