TeX for the Beginner 私家版抄訳のオマケ
オマケです (Anhang02.pdf: 1.13MB) 208ページ.
〔↓下のほうに 「修正版 (Anhang02.1.pdf)」 を置きました Added: July 11, 2008.〕
Since: May 20, 2008.
Added: June 27, 2008.
I still take full responsibility for the master sources of TeX, METAFONT, and Computer Modern. Therefore I periodically take a few days off from my current projects and look at all of the accumulated bug reports. This happened most recently in 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2002, and 2007; following this pattern, I intend to check on purported bugs again in the years 2013, 2020, 2028, 2037, etc. The intervals between such maintenance periods are increasing, because the systems have been converging to an error-free state. The latest and best TeX is currently version 3.1415926 (and plain.tex is version 3.141592653); METAFONT is currently version 2.718281 (and plain.mf is version 2.71). My last will and testament for TeX and METAFONT is that their version numbers ultimately become $\pi$ and $e$, respectively. At that point they will be completely error-free by definition.
Added: January 7, 2009.
というわけで,いまさらですが “columns=flexible” にして作り直したものを Anhang02.1.pdf として置いておきます。
Added: July 11, 2008.
Added: July 14, 2008.